
Aite Group's latest report: Revisiting Your Authentication Control Framework

As fraudsters become more creative, companies need to reevaluate their identity proofing and authentication technology.

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Aite Group’s Fraud & AML service has released a new report urging financial institutions, merchants and fintechs to evaluate their existing authentication control frameworks for potential shortcomings that put their reputation and financial health in jeopardy.

The Revisiting Your Authentication Control Framework report discusses the limitations and risks of relying on outdated identity proofing and customer authentication processes, and proposes a framework for modernizing them in order to meet the rising threat posed by increasingly innovative and creative criminals.

Fourthline is featured in the "Solutions for Identity Proofing and Authentication" section of the report as a Document Identification Solution Provider. Visit the Aite Group website to learn more or purchase the full report.

Gabriele Rosati
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Get in touch with Gabriele Rosati, who brings years of financial industry expertise at Fourthline.