Proprietary identity verification solutions

From basic identity verification to robust, bank-grade solutions, comprehensive remediation, locally compliant flows or AML Screening, Fourthline’s modular platform offers what you need to verify identities or comply with regulations.

Redheaded girl smiling at the camera


Identity Verification

Get a comprehensive analysis of ID document authenticity & security features, biometrics, liveness, & more.

Client Authentication

Protect both your client’s assets and your bank. Verify the person behind the account based on triggers such as when they log in from a new device.

Re-KYC & Remediation

Remediate existing KYC files accurately at a fraction of the cost & time of traditional processes with an automated & customizable solution.

AML Screening & Monitoring

Check your clients—once or track changes daily—against real-time watchlists, PEP & sanction lists & country-specific databases.

Case Reviewing & Auditing

Efficiently process & audit cases with a complete overview of all client profiles, checks performed & evidenced CDD files.

Investigations & Reporting

Increase operational efficiency by letting Fourthline take care of manual & resource-intensive investigations & CDD reporting. Act on conclusive reporting with no grey areas.

Qualified Electronic Signature

A secure electronic signature that can be issued standalone or alongside Fourthline’s bank-grade KYC onboarding.

Bank Account Verification

Unlock remote onboarding in France & Germany with a quick, secure & easy Bank Account Verification.

Proof of Address

Confirm your client's address in seconds, with highly accurate device & geolocation intelligence that eliminates the need for traditional PoA documents.

Anti-Financial Crime

Tap into the highest possible fraud accuracy through augmented analytics & a team of dedicated anti-financial crime experts.

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KYC Onboarding

The Fourthline KYC onboarding begins with a customizable onboarding flow that collects over 210 data points needed to confirm your clients’ identities. Clients are guided through a fast & thorough data submission process built with UX top of mind to deliver industry-leading conversion rates without sacrificing fraud detection accuracy.

Identity Verification

An automated & proprietary three-tier verification process is initiated. After determining whether an ID is genuine or fraudulent, we conduct biometric analysis to match the ID photo to the person who submitted it. We then run a set of 5AML- & GDPR-compliant checks to uncover anomalies & inconsistencies. Applying years of financial crime data to these checks delivers the most comprehensive set of information to substantiate whether you can—& want to—accept a client.

mockup of phone screen showing location verification
screenshot showing fraud detection
Investigations & conclusive results

Fourthline designs customized decision-making & reporting protocols tailored to your risk appetite. Using proprietary machine learning algorithms combined with expert teams, we conduct in-depth investigations complete with a full audit trail. We always deliver conclusive results, so you're never stuck with grey areas.

Continuous KYC

Fourthline’s KYC approach goes beyond initial client sign-up & verification. Through continuous KYC solutions, Fourthline catches an additional 20 to 30% of fraud attempts. Fourthline continues the fight against fraud throughout the customer lifecycle with daily screening against PEP/sanctions lists.

smiling woman and notification of re-kyc for incomplete files

You're in good company

Enterprises around the world trust Fourthline to authenticate customer identities and drive business growth.

Want to learn more?

Discover how we can help you solve mission-critical identity challenges in a tailored way.