Automatic data extraction from the Visual Inspection and Machine Readable zone
Proprietary OCR algorithms
Automated hologram and microprint verification, as well as other localized security features
Tampering, counterfeit, and paper copy detection
Real-time feedback to improve photo quality
Identity Verification

The problem
Our solution
Anti-fraud, pro conversion
Go beyond a simple selfie and document check
How it works

Seamless integration
Customizable branding and workflows with choice of brand colors, fonts, logos, and more Available for iOS, Android and web browsers through our web SDK Seamless UX and onboarding flow built for UX and conversion Localization and configurations in up to eight languages

“Rather than relying on off-the-shelf software, we build our algorithms from scratch and train them directly on data within our domain.”
Sebastian Vater | VP of ML Research - Fourthline