Client Authentication

Easy account recovery with superior protection against account takeover fraud.

Phone showing a face scanning prompt

The problem

To prevent unauthorized access, you need to make sure the account holder is the same as the account user on a continuous basis.

Our solution

Frictionless step-up authentication, consisting of device, geolocation, and biometric checks which can be triggered on a risk basis or time basis.

Use cases

Money mule prevention, phishing attack prevention, rebinding, password recovery.

Prevent account takeover fraud

Add layers of security to prevent account takeover fraud committed through social engineering or by money mules. With Client Authentication you can add a selfie check in the event of red flags, such as inconsistencies in device metadata and geolocation or for large transactions. We compare the new data with data at the time of onboarding to ensure the user is the same person using the account - protecting you and your client against fraudulent activity.

Frictionless fraud prevention

Prevent fraud after sign-up with a simple selfie check in under 10 seconds. Make the process nearly effortless for your client while preventing account takeovers. 

Check for known fraud hotspots

Continuously check if the account is being accessed from locations that are associated with fraudulent activity.

Periodic or event-based checks

Perform selfie checks at intervals based on risk scores, or ask for a selfie if something changes in the device data or geolocation data, to always be certain the account user is the same person as the account holder.

Instant password recovery

Let your client regain access to their accounts in seconds instead of days with a seamless experience.

Increased efficiency

Easy account recovery with superior protection against account takeover fraud.

Save up to 80% on costs

Minimize the administrative burden and save up to 80% in manual labor costs.

Password recovery and rebinding in seconds

Traditional password recovery and rebinding are essential tasks that can be labor intensive. It places a big administrative burden on internal teams and can mean long wait times for your client.

Client Authentication enables your clients to restore access to their accounts in seconds, not days, with a fully digital process.

How does it work?

phone showing face scanning procedure

Want to learn more?

Discover how we can help you solve mission-critical identity challenges in a tailored way.