
Fourthline's Web SDK makes onboarding easy

Learn how Web SDK can help your business improve onboarding UX and minimize dropoffs.

Fourthline Forrester TEI thumbnailBy The Fourthline Team

Any inkling of UX friction is enough for a customer to abandon ship in the KYC onboarding process. The standards of quality when it comes to customer experience are becoming higher – leaving little room for error and for barriers of entry in the application process.

To solve for this, Fourthline now offers Web SDK as part of our end-to-end bank-grade KYC or as a modular solution. Enterprises who don’t have their own mobile applications or want to equip prospective customers with multiple touchpoints for onboarding, can now provide a smooth, compliant, and high-quality KYC flow.

How it works

From the partner side, initiation by the user is standard: when a customer begins the application process through their mobile phone or desktop, the customer is prompted to input basic credentials (e.g., name, address, email). All this information is then received on the backend and the KYC onboarding starts.

Onboarding begins

There are three primary methods for customers to begin the onboarding process:

  1. Customers who start on their desktop continue the process on their mobile phone browser through the use of a URL that is shared via SMS. The SMS provided can be customized based on language and the sender of the SMS can be labeled as the provider.

  2. Customers who initiate the process on their mobile phone browser can continue without switching devices.

  3. Customers who begin on the enterprise's native application can continue through a web/browser-based layer on top of the native application.

Users then go through standard onboarding (e.g. selfie capture, liveness check, pre-processing of identification documents). The user is then guided back to the initial website, where they receive immediate status updates on which step of the verification process they are in.

Metadata analysis

All of Fourthline’s proprietary technology and rule logic comes into play to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. Through our proof-of-address check, for instance, Fourthline can automatically crosscheck geolocation and device metadata to flag suspicious behavior.

Onboarding success

The data inputted is collected and received on our backend, where a series of checks and rule logic is applied. Verified customers are onboarded smoothly and successfully, without the need to download an application. Customers have one less barrier of entry, resulting in a better user experience while minimizing drop off.

We take care of the heavy lifting

Fourthline hosts the entire web verification flow so you don’t have to. We take on the heavy lifting, working to maintain and improve the flow with limited action needed from our partner. Partners decide on bespoke styling preferences to ensure the Web SDK is on-brand, select the verifications that are checked by the flow, and add the Web SDK to their website (recognized as a QR code).

Our Web SDK can also be easily implemented for existing and prospective enterprises who are looking to improve their onboarding no matter what their goals are. If enterprises are looking to expand into new regions, we leverage the highest quality technology with our local compliance expertise to help you scale quickly, without compromising conversions. We also provide localization and language configurations. The entire onboarding flow, inclusive of the SMS component, can be experienced in six different languages.

As customers become increasingly mobile-first and accustomed to a more premium user journey, a seamless KYC flow can give enterprises a competitive edge. Fourthline's Web SDK is proof that best-in-class fraud detection and compliance can be in tune with user needs.

Need guidance on how to optimize your onboarding flow? We can help. Select the Contact Us button below.

Gabriele Rosati
Want to learn more? Talk to our experts

Get in touch with Gabriele Rosati, who brings years of financial industry expertise at Fourthline.